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Social psychologists also research why people help each other. What are the factors that make us do things for others, such as donating money, going to rural development volunteer camps? Or risk helping others in emergency situations. and finally understanding social psychology Deliberately hurting others or showing aggression Why do people hurt each other?

For example, agree that playing video games with violent content such as fighting and killing each other As a result, players came out to hurt other people in the real world. Which is often in the news, is it true or not? It can be seen that the content of social psychology is extensive. related to daily life and can be applied in practice

Coughs And Cold Home Remedies – Tips For A Cold

Published on 01/17/2023

You got a cold again? No wonder! There are over 200 different cold viruses that can get us. It affects adults up to four times a year, children even more often. But how can you quickly start the day fit again? We show you the best tips against cold symptoms.

Coughs and Cold Home Remedies – Tips For A Cold

Drink Enough

Warming herbal teas such as linden blossom tea, chamomile tea, thyme tea or elderflower tea are particularly beneficial. They not only provide fluid, but also have a calming, anti-inflammatory and warming effect. In addition, the mucus in the nose, sinuses and bronchi is liquefied from the inside. This makes it easier to blow your nose and cough up


A cold usually begins with a sore throat, a sore throat or difficulty swallowing. Gargling with salt water (1/2 teaspoon in 1 glass of warm water) or sage tea helps against these unpleasant cold symptoms.

Cold bath

If a cold is looming, a warm cold bath is a good tip. The water should not be too hot (maximum 39 degrees, 20 minutes bathing time) and can be enriched with essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, pine needle oil or thyme oil. People at risk of allergies, people with asthma and children should avoid adding oils, this applies in particular to menthol. The essential substances it contains can irritate the respiratory tract in small children. Breathing problems up to life-threatening shortness of breath can be the result.

Rest and Relaxation

During a cold, the body is primarily concerned with getting rid of the pathogens. To do this, he needs enough energy. It is therefore a good cold tip to ensure relaxation, sufficient sleep and little stress. Physical exertion and sports should be avoided during a cold.

Home remedies

Home remedies are still a good way to relieve the common cold and get back on your feet quickly. Potato wraps, onion juice, and chicken soup are just a few examples that aid in recovery.


Inhalations are also among the 10 best tips for colds. The inhaled water vapor moistens the airways and liquefies viscous mucus. Herbal supplements such as peppermint or chamomile have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. For a steam inhalation you need a bowl of hot water. The head is not bent too close over the bowl and covered with a towel. Breathe deeply and calmly. Try breathing through both your mouth and your nose alternately.

Blow your nose properly

People with runny noses should be careful not to blow their noses too hard. Otherwise, the pathogenic pathogens can get into the paranasal sinuses and cause inflammation (sinusitis) there. Always hold one nostril closed and blow the other when blowing your nose. It’s safest to just wipe your nose and not blow your nose at all.

Keep warm

If you have a sore throat, wear a towel or scarf around your neck to keep it warm. Cold feet can be warmed up with a hot water bottle (caution: not if you have a fever). If your feet are cold, this leads to poor blood circulation throughout the body, especially in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This makes it easier for cold viruses to spread further.

During this time, there is probably no more depressing news than the news of "Mother of an 8-month-old baby", which was originally a missing child case. But in the end, it turned out to be a case of a mother hurting her child. But during the way of the case that the media provided that information It allows us to piece together and see the history of the life of a young girl who became a teenage mother without being prepared. In addition, the path of life is very difficult. Until having to end up becoming a murderer
And now society is asking the question. “Why did you become a mother who abuses your child?” and insults her in various ways. The answer to this question is very close to me because “We are all part of the process of creating a murderer in society”, including bullying, insults. inferiority, insult Even indifference, not valuing, ignoring the violence both in the real world and online They drive a person to feel helpless, with no escape, with no way out, desperate and becoming a murderer.